Getting started


Before installing LambentLight, make sure that you have .NET Framework 4.5.2 installed.

The process is easy, just download the compressed file from GitHub or 5mods, extract it, and run LambentLight.exe.


Don't run LambentLight.exe from the compressed file, all of your data will be lost after restarting Windows.


To start, you need to add a CFX License. Press to open the settings and click Generate on CFX License. A web page will open on your default browser.

You need to log in to generate a CFX License, so press sign in and follow the steps to use your FiveM/CFX Forum Account. After logging in, press New at the top of the page to create a new license. You need to fill all of the fields with the following information:

  • Label: Here you can place any name that you want to identify this license
  • Server IP address: Write (you can use any IP, but this one will always work)
  • Server type: Select either:
  • Home hosted (if you are launching the server from your own home and your own computer)
  • Dedicated server (if you have a computer or server dedicated for the FiveM/RedM Server)
  • VPS (if you are using Amazon EC2, DigitalOcean or others)

After filling the fields, click Generate. The license will be visible on the list, copy it and go back to the LambentLight settings window. Press Make License Visible to enable the text field, paste it and press save Save.

The last step is creating a Data Folder. Press to open the Data Folder Creator, enter a name for your new folder and press Create. Then, wait until the

Once you have completed all of the previous steps, press to launch your FiveM or RedM server. If you want to safely stop the server, press .